Muslim youth with ADF links require solid direction in life- Museveni

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Muslim youth with ADF links require solid direction in life- Museveni
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Recognizing the challenges faced by certain youths, including those affiliated with the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), President Museveni has underscored the significance of providing them with a strong foundation and guidance in life.

Museveni made these remarks during a meeting with the leadership of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) at State House-Entebbe.

The delegation was headed by Sheikh Shaban Ramathan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda, and included Sheikh Obeid Kamulegeya and Hajjat Sophia Safina Kenyangi.

"These young people from troubled backgrounds need direction on how to thrive in life," stated the president.

Museveni also emphasised the importance of equipping young individuals with essential life skills and fostering a strong work ethic.

He expressed concern that some young boys, particularly those involved with ADF and predominantly Muslim, lack the knowledge and understanding required to lead productive lives.

He stressed that engaging in banditry in Congo is not the only path to survival, and it is crucial for the youth to be guided towards more positive and constructive avenues.

"They are unaware of how to lead meaningful lives and erroneously believe that being a bandit in Congo is their only option," he further added.

Museveni reiterated the significance of churches and mosques in promoting a culture of wealth creation.

He highlighted the need for religious institutions to emphasize the importance of economic empowerment and self-sufficiency among their followers.

In response to the requests presented by the UMSC, Museveni pledged his support for their activities and initiatives throughout the year. He affirmed his commitment to collaborating with the UMSC and other religious organizations to foster unity and socio-economic development.

The UMSC leadership team expressed their appreciation to President Museveni for his generous financial support towards various Islamic activities, particularly the constitutional review and the UMSC elections.

They acknowledged the President's instrumental role in facilitating these processes.

Furthermore, Mubaje informed Museveni that the UMSC has embraced the Parish Development Model (PDM) and pledged their full support for all government wealth creation programs within their structures across the country.

"This commitment reflects the UMSC's dedication to promoting socio-economic development and improving the lives of Muslims and Ugandans at large," stated the Mufti.

Mubaje additionally revealed UMSC's plans to launch a comprehensive coffee/cocoa planting initiative across the ten Muslim regions in Uganda.

The objective of this initiative is to support the government's poverty eradication efforts. The UMSC aims to commence the project in August this year, with a target of planting at least 200 acres in each region.

Mubaje requested government support in the designated regions to ensure the smooth operation of the coffee/cocoa planting initiative.

Furthermore, Mubaje sought Museveni's support for the Union of East African Muslim Councils Conference, scheduled for September 2024. The conference aims to foster collaboration and cooperation among Muslim councils in the East African region.

In addition, the UMSC extended an invitation to President Museveni to be the chief guest at the upcoming "UMSC @ 50" event, scheduled for December 2024. The event expects to host over 2,000 attendees, including more than 40 Muftis from around the world.

The UMSC seeks President Museveni's endorsement and support to ensure the success of this milestone celebration.

Furthermore, the UMSC requested President Museveni's support for the Uganda Women Muslim Council function, scheduled for October 2024, which aims to empower and uplift Muslim women in Uganda.

In response, President Museveni welcomed the Muslim leaders' support for the government's "prosperity for all" programs.

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